Hello, and Welcome!
My name is Jill

I am a certified Parent Effectiveness Trainer with a passion to help individuals and families have a better relationship with their loved ones, specifically between parents and children.

Even with a background in early childhood/special education, when we started having children, I found parenting to be very hard. At one point I was feeling particularly stuck with how to parent one of my boys. A family member then reached out and gifted us the book, "Parent Effectiveness Training” by Dr. Thomas Gordon. I was amazed at the positive change I saw and felt after reading through it once and testing some of the ideas. I did a little researched about the author and found there were classes too! So, I took a class and could not believe the results. It seemed like a magic wand was waved over my parenting problems! So I went even further and worked to become a certified Parent Effectiveness Trainer so I could share and help other parents use these incredible tools.

I hope you join me in learning these and other amazing skills!

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